Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Video Games"- Digital Cultures

Before i go into talking about video games, which is a topic that personally i can talk about for hours and hours, i wanted to show you guys a quick video on the "Evolution of Gaming"

In chapter 5 of our Digital Cultures book by Glen Creeber, he begins to talk about Video Games, their platforms, programmes and players. According to Creeber the "video" in "video game" refers to a "display device" using a bitmap or a digital image. Since i have been born in the late 80's video game platforms have changed from the very first Nintendo NES which had games such as Super Mario Bros., Mike Tyson's Punch Out, and The Legend of Zelda.
Super Mario Bros. 1985
Today because of all the new technology our video games platforms have some of the most advance devices out there. Nintendo's, Nintendo Wii is also at the top of these new platforms. Re-vamping older games like Super Mario Bros. into Super Mario Brothers Wii. The way kids are able to play and interact with their friends through these games have completely changed in the last 20 years, and i believe that this is mainly because of the platforms that are available. Early games platforms like the Nintendo NES only allowed two people to play on the same screen. Today 4 people can play on the Nintendo Wii at once and also connect with an online network that allows them to play with even more friends. 

With all the new game platforms the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, and X-box 360, there has to be a change in the "gamer". With older platforms only allowing a certain set of games to be played, and with "gamers" new demands on programmers to create new and exciting technology for video games I did some research on new video game platforms. One that i found was for the Battlefield 3 which is a new video game on the Playstion 3 and X-box 360. This new video game platform may be the way the video games will be going in the future.

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